【世界さまぁ~リゾート】若者に人気のビーチ『Perissa Beach...
【アナザースカイII Oinoscent】尾上菊之助想い出のギリシャ...
住所 | Lower Town 231 00 ギリシャ |
TEL | +30 2731 083377 |
The Museum of the emblematic archaeological site of Mystras is located in the imposing archaeological site of Mystras, a monument declared as a World Heritage Site by Unesco. The exhibition is dedicated to the relations between the Byzantine world and the West. The presentation of selected artifacts and objects from Mystras, a late Byzantine urban center, aims to provide the visitor with a comprehensive understanding of the complex political and social reality, as well as the spiritual life and art of the Palaiologan era. …