【異世界ホテル旅 Dog Bark Park Inn】ビーグル犬が好きすぎる宿は?2020/11/23放送

いぬ 動物


  • ブックマークとしてもどうぞ!


神社 仏閣 お寺 風景


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Dog Bark Park

ホテルの形がビーグル犬! とにかくビーグル犬だらけのホテル

住所 2421 Business Loop 95, Cottonwood, ID 83522 アメリカ合衆国
TEL +1 208-962-3647


Dog Bark Park Inn | Chainsaw Art Gallery | Cottonwood Idaho USA — Bed & Breakfast | Chainsaw Art Cottonwood, ID

Dog Bark Park Inn is a bed & breakfast guesthouse inside the World’s Biggest Beagle. Guests enter the body of the beagle from a private 2nd story deck. Some of the dog’s decorative furnishings are carvings by Dog Bark Park chainsaw artists Dennis & Frances. Inside and up another level to the head of the dog is a loft room with additional sleeping space plus a cozy alcove in the muzzle. Meet Dog Bark Park original owners/artists Dennis Sullivan & Frances Conklin. At Dog Bark Park Inn B&B you will definitely be sleeping somewhere that has an interesting story.…

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